ZZZzzzzzz……..some sleepy facts!!!
Although many factors influence how much sleep you really need, the common recommendation is eight hours a night. But individual needs vary greatly.
Although many factors influence how much sleep you really need, most young adults report sleeping about seven and a half hours on weekday nights and eight and a half hours on weekend nights!!
There are so-called short-sleepers and long-sleepers -- those who need as little as five and a half hours to as much as about nine and a half hours.
How much sleep you require depends on several factors including:
Your inherited genetic need .
Your sleep hygiene (those daily activities you control, from drinking coffee or alcohol to smoking and exercise) .
The quality of your sleep.
Your 24-hour daily cycle known as the circadian rhythm.
For example, smoking, drinking, and exercise can affect your sleep dramatically.
What you actually do in bed (like reading or watching TV) and how much exposure to light you have (looking at that bright computer screen 'til midnight) will also significantly alter both the quality and quantity of your sleep.
They all interact to determine how long you need to sleep to wake up feeling refreshed and remain alert throughout the day.
OK, so how do you determine how much sleep you really need?
First, let's look at your sleep bank account. Throughout the day, you take out about eight hours from this account, generating a sleep debt. Over the course of the night, as you snooze, you replenish your account.
If you sleep only, say, six and a half hours, you still owe one and a half hours. If you do this for five nights in a row, you have lost an entire night's sleep! You will then need extra sleep over the next few days to replenish your sleep debt.
The bottom line is that you should wake up feeling relatively refreshed, and you should generally not feel sleepy during the day.
If this is not the case, you may have an unrecognized sleep disorder and should see your doctor or a sleep specialist.
So….snore on sleeping beauties….!!!