Wednesday, February 7, 2007


"Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society." -Mark Twain.. ……So, we think its time we came with some garment facts… Your clothes also cry for attention!!! Dry cleaned garments last longer : Accumulations of perspiration, grit, and dust particles can shorten the life of your garment. Pressing a soiled garment can permanently set stains which may not be visible to the eye, yet cause permanent damage. Delaying dry cleaning after a garment has been stained can also cause the stain to become permanently set.
Designer Labels Aren't Always the Best Many fashion designers sell the use of their name to any manufacturer who pays the price. The extra cost for their name is then passed along to you without any gain in quality.
Fading occurs when a fabric is exposed to sunlight, artificial
light, or even atmospheric gases. The color loss is very gradual and often goes undetected because the fabric is gathering soil at the same time. Delicate Silks are subject to color loss and dye bleeding. This may occur in normal wear or during stain removal or from exposure to sunlight or even artificial light.
Perspiration will degrade silk; and perfumes and deodorants will affect the fabric color. Never launder whites with other color garments or in an overcrowded washing machine. Never launder or dry clean white garments that are part of a set unless all parts of the set are processed together. It could result in different shades in parts of the set!!!!
Wash away to glory, guys……!!!!

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