Tuesday, March 6, 2007


Male mosquitoes are strictly vegetarians, and do not bite either.

If a hungry female mosquito were the size of an average human female, she could drink 240 pounds of blood in one sitting and still fly away.

Mosquitoes can drink 150 percent as much blood as they weigh.

There are thousands of different species of mosquitoes around the world. Only two things are constant. The females need a blood supply to lay their eggs, and water in which the eggs must hatch.

These vicious blood-sucking buggers are hearty and adaptable, surviving freezing temperatures and hundred-degree heat. The mosquito “season” is year around.

But the good news is…… now we have the mosquito repellants………..

Or.. one may use another techniques to shoo them away

A reason to avoid blue jeans : Mosquitoes are twice as interested in blue as any other color.

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